Prosecutors of the Complex Casework Group in the Nigerian Ministry of Justice about Wayamo’s impact

Elise Carreau Video

We asked prosecutors belonging to the Complex Casework Group in the Nigerian Ministry of Justice what they had learnt in our capacity building workshops, what the impact had been, and how it had affected their work.

Evidence management training for Nigeria’s Complex Casework Group

kotarski Judicial Capacity Building, News and Events

Between 14 – 21 September 2021, the Wayamo Foundation held a series of training sessions for prosecutors from Nigeria’s Complex Casework Group (CCG) focusing on their new case-filing system and the use of Intella software for evidence management. 

The creation of an electronic case-file database to build complex cases

Elise Carreau Judicial Capacity Building, News and Events

From 9 to 11 August 2021, the Wayamo Foundation held a workshop on the creation of an electronic case-file database within Nigeria’s Complex Casework Group (CCG), covering aspects ranging from the case-filing system to a purpose-designed ICC criminality assessment form and optimal use of Intella software.

The creation of an electronic case-file database and the usage of digital evidence in international criminal investigations

kotarski Judicial Capacity Building, News and Events

On 17 May 2021, the Wayamo Foundation held a workshop on the creation of an electronic case-file database and the usage of digital evidence in international criminal investigations within the Complex Casework Group (CCG), a specialised unit coming under the Directorate of Public Prosecutions.

Creation of an electronic case-file database within the Complex Casework Group

Elise Carreau Judicial Capacity Building, News and Events

On 5 February 2021, the Wayamo Foundation launched its next project: the creation of an electronic case-file database within the Complex Casework Group (CCG) under the Directorate of Public Prosecutions. The Abuja workshop followed a hybrid model, with CCG members attending in person, and the majority of the experts -both international and Nigerian- joining the event via Zoom.

Online lessons from our “Justice for Child Soldiers” workshop for Nigerian prosecutors

kotarski News and Events

Since the earliest days of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Wayamo Foundation has sought to re-imagine its work in promoting justice and accountability

Nigeria workshop with military prosecutors.

Wayamo Launches First Online Course

Elise Carreau News and Events

Launch of First Cyber Workshop by Wayamo Foundation Justice for Child Soldiers: children in armed conflict and responses to terrorism-related crimes committed by children In view of the constraints imposed by the current coronavirus pandemic, the Wayamo Foundation has met the challenge head-on by launching its first cyber workshop on one of the most traumatic and complicated aspects of the situation …