Wayamo hosts ICC ASP side event on Universal Jurisdiction, Open Source evidence, and accountability

kotarski Public Debates and Town Hall Meetings

Watch here Wayamo’s video series on the current conflict in Sudan, regional and international experiences with transitional justice, and tools that civil society actors can employ in response to ongoing violations in the country.

The creation of an electronic case-file database to build complex cases

Elise Carreau Judicial Capacity Building, News and Events

From 9 to 11 August 2021, the Wayamo Foundation held a workshop on the creation of an electronic case-file database within Nigeria’s Complex Casework Group (CCG), covering aspects ranging from the case-filing system to a purpose-designed ICC criminality assessment form and optimal use of Intella software.

The creation of an electronic case-file database and the usage of digital evidence in international criminal investigations

kotarski Judicial Capacity Building, News and Events

On 17 May 2021, the Wayamo Foundation held a workshop on the creation of an electronic case-file database and the usage of digital evidence in international criminal investigations within the Complex Casework Group (CCG), a specialised unit coming under the Directorate of Public Prosecutions.