Workshop on responsible media reporting of justice and accountability processes in and for Sudan, Nairobi, Kenya
The Wayamo Foundation held a three-day workshop in Nairobi from 11-13 September 2023, on responsible media reporting of justice and accountability processes in and for Sudan.
11-13 September 2023 Nairobi, Kenya
Symposium on “Domestic accountability mechanisms for international crimes: new developments and opportunities in East Africa”, Nairobi, Kenya
To reflect on different accountability mechanisms for serious human rights violations and international crimes, including the exercise of universal jurisdiction, the Wayamo Foundation and the Prosecution Training Institute (PTI) co-hosted a symposium on “Domestic accountability mechanisms for international crimes: new developments and opportunities in East Africa” at the PTI in Nairobi, Kenya.
7 September 2023 Nairobi, Kenya
Workshop on modern forms of evidence and universal jurisdiction, Nairobi, Kenya
Wayamo hosted a three-day workshop in Nairobi, Kenya, from 6-8 September 2023, on the topic of “modern forms of evidence and the potential application of universal jurisdiction in the East African region for international crimes committed in Sudan.” The workshop brought together Sudanese lawyers and human rights defenders, including those from Darfur, with experience in strategic litigation and the fight against impunity.
6-8 September 2023 Nairobi, Kenya
International Justice Day Symposium on Sudan, Nairobi, Kenya
The Wayamo Foundation held a symposium on Monitoring and Documentation of Human Rights Violations in Sudan on 17 July 2023 at the Aga Khan University, Graduate School of Media and Communications, in Nairobi, Kenya.
17 July 2023 Nairobi, Kenya
AGJA strategic meeting, Nairobi, Kenya
On 20 May 2023, the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability (AGJA) held a strategic meeting at the Fairview Hotel, Nairobi. Established in 2015, the ten-member AGJA consists of eminent experts in international criminal law and human rights from the African continent.
20 May 2023 Nairobi, Kenya
International justice symposium: Transition from where? Transition to what? Exploring transitional justice efforts in an ever-changing world, Nairobi, Kenya
The Wayamo Foundation and the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability (AGJA) hosted a public symposium on transitional justice and international criminal law on 19 May 2023 at the Aga Khan University, Graduate School of Media and Communications.
19 May 2023 Nairobi, Kenya
Expert meeting on the documentation of international crimes and human rights violations, Nairobi, Kenya
The Wayamo Foundation hosted an expert meeting on 17-18 May in Nairobi, Kenya, on the documentation of international crimes and human rights violations for future accountability purposes. The meeting explored how best to use existing Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) evidence collection mechanisms in the context of the current armed conflict in Sudan.
17-18 May 2023 Nairobi, Kenya
Lecture and discussion on “Introduction to international criminal law and its domestic application with a special focus on inquiries and investigations”, Abuja, Nigeria
On 13 April 2023, the Wayamo Foundation, in collaboration with the Nigerian National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), held a lecture and extensive Q&A session in Abuja, Nigeria. The lecture, entitled “Introduction to International Criminal Law and its domestic application with a special focus on inquiries and investigations”, brought together NHRC staff, senior prosecutors from the Complex Casework Group, and lawyers of the International Law Department of the Ministry of Justice.
13 April 2023 Abuja, Nigeria
Legal workshop for Nigerian prosecutors and investigators on conflict-related sexual violence, Abuja, Nigeria
Following three successful training sessions in 2022, the Wayamo Foundation, in collaboration with the United Nations Team of Experts on the Rule of Law and Sexual Violence in Conflict (UNTOE) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), held their fourth workshop in Abuja from 30 January – 3 February 2023.
30 January – 3 February 2023 Abuja, Nigeria
Legal workshop for Nigerian prosecutors and investigators on conflict-related sexual violence, Lagos, Nigeria
Building on the formula so successfully applied at the previous two Abuja training sessions in October 2022, the Wayamo Foundation, in collaboration with the United Nations Team of Experts on the Rule of Law and Sexual Violence in Conflict and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), held their third workshop in Lagos from 30 November – 2 December 2022.
30 November – 2 December 2022 Lagos, Nigeria
Legal workshop for Sudanese legal community from Khartoum and Darfur, Nairobi, Kenya
A cross-section of the Sudanese legal community from Khartoum and Darfur, including former and current prosecutors, individual members of the Ministry of Justice, and independent lawyers, received training on transitional justice, domestic application of international legal concepts and norms, the role of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and its limitations, modalities of complementarity with the ICC, accountability for cases of conflict-related sexual violence, as well as national and international reparations..
7-10 November 2022 Nairobi, Kenya
Media workshop for Sudanese journalists from Khartoum and Darfur, Nairobi, Kenya
Khartoum-based and Darfuri media attended sessions designed to strengthen their reporting skills and reinforce their knowledge of journalistic ethics and critical justice-related issues, ranging from transitional justice to the documenting of human rights violations, conflict-related sexual violence, and hate speech.
7-10 November 2022 Nairobi, Kenya
“ Strengthening Nigerian Capacity for the Investigation and Prosecution of International Crimes with a special focus on conflict-related sexual violence”, Abuja, Nigeria
Building on the formula so successfully applied at the previous Abuja training session in November 2021, the Wayamo Foundation, working for the first time in close partnership with the United Nations Team of Experts on the Rule of Law and Sexual Violence in Conflict and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), held two back-to-back workshops in Abuja (see photo album). The two workshops were purpose-designed to overlap on the middle day, Wednesday 19 October, when both groups, the one civilian the other military, came together to attend a joint session, discuss matters of common interest, share experiences, and exchange views about the tasks confronting them in their respective spheres.
17–21 October 2022 Abuja, Nigeria
“Kul Al Balad Darfur – Exploring complementary avenues for justice and accountability”, Khartoum, Sudan
On 14 September 2022, the Wayamo Foundation and Contraband held a cultural event in Khartoum, entitled “Kul Al Balad Darfur – Exploring complementary avenues for justice and accountability”. More than 120 participants from CSOs, embassies, universities and research centres, regional organisations, youth groups, Sudanese political groups and reporters attended an evening of music and conversation on justice and accountability in Sudan.
14 September 2022 Khartoum, Sudan
Expert workshop, Pretoria, South Africa
The Wayamo Foundation and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) Rule of Law Program for Anglophone Sub-Saharan Africa convened a highly productive, in-person workshop on “Countering terrorism and international crimes: human rights implications and linkages” in Pretoria. The workshop brought together legal practitioners, diplomats, and academic experts.
26-27 May 2022 Pretoria, South Africa
Workshop with members of the proposed Serious Crimes Response Team , Abuja, Nigeria
The workshop was centred on the ongoing project of creating a Serious Crimes Response Team (SCRT), a highly specialised unit of military investigators and prosecutors drawn from all three services, who will be specifically trained to investigate and prosecute serious crimes that have allegedly been committed by the Armed Forces and potentially fall under the jurisdiction of the ICC.
1-3 December 2021 Abuja, Nigeria
Workshop with prosecutors of the Complex Casework Group and investigators, Abuja, Nigeria
The workshop brought together prosecutors from the Complex Casework Group (CCG) and investigators from the Joint Investigation Centre and 7 Military Investigations Bureau, as a practical step aimed at “enhancing interagency collaboration to bring the electronic case-file database for terrorism files to fruition”.
29-30 November 2021 Abuja, Nigeria
International Justice Conference, Dakar, Senegal
The Wayamo Foundation and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) Programme for the Promotion of the Rule of Law in Sub-Saharan Africa held a two-day conference in Dakar entitled: “Justice for International Crimes: Challenges and Strategies in West Africa and Elsewhere”, focusing on ongoing efforts to investigate and prosecute international crimes at the national level, regional and international level in West Africa and elsewhere.
25-26 October 2021 Dakar, Senegal
Complex Casework Group and Serious Crimes Response Team, Epe, Nigeria
The Wayamo Foundation held two workshops from 9-13 August 2021, in Epe, Nigeria: a workshop on the creation of an electronic case-file database and the usage of digital evidence in international criminal investigations within the Complex Casework Group (9-11 August); and the second capacity-building programme for members of the proposed Serious Crimes Response Team (11 to 13 August).
9-13 August 2021 Epe, Nigeria
Serious Crimes Response Team, Abuja, Nigeria
On 25 May 2021, Wayamo hosted its first capacity-building programme for members of the proposed Serious Crimes Response Team. The event followed a hybrid model, with members of the military attending in person, and the majority of the experts joining participants via Zoom.
25 May 2021 Abuja, Nigeria
Media engagement, Abuja, Nigeria
On 21 May 2021, Wayamo held its its third in a series of media engagements for selected journalists who work on issues pertaining to international criminal justice and accountability.
21 May 2021 Abuja, Nigeria
Electronic case-file database, Abuja, Nigeria
On 17 May 2021, the Wayamo Foundation held a workshop on the creation of an electronic case-file database and the usage of digital evidence in international criminal investigations within the Complex Casework Group (CCG), a specialised unit coming under the Directorate of Public Prosecutions.
17 May 2021 Abuja, Nigeria
Media engagement, Abuja, Nigeria
On 9 February 2021, Wayamo hosted its second media engagement for journalists who work on issues pertaining to international criminal justice and accountability. The event followed a hybrid model, with journalists attending from Abuja, Nigeria, and the majority of the experts joining participants via Zoom.
9 February 2021 Abuja, Nigeria
Electronic case-file database, Abuja, Nigeria
The Wayamo Foundation launched its next project: the creation of an electronic case-file database within the Complex Casework Group (CCG) under the Directorate of Public Prosecutions. The Abuja workshop followed a hybrid model, with CCG members attending in person, and the majority of the experts -both international and Nigerian- joining the event via Zoom.
5 February 2021 Abuja, Nigeria
Joint ICL and IHL Course, Wayamo and NIALS, Abuja, Nigeria
The main objective of this course –and those to follow– is to further equip Nigerian institutions with the necessary skills and knowledge to train their network of legal practitioners and relevant actors in ICL and IHL. Wayamo and NIALS’ philosophy is to combine the provision of knowledge with a ‘Train-the-Trainer’ component, with knowledge and delivery being seen as a package.
4 February 2021 Abuja, Nigeria
Inter-agency collaboration, Abuja, Nigeria
Wayamo facilitated a series of meetings to strengthen the communication and cooperation channels between the Joint Investigation Centre (JIC) in Maiduguri and the Complex Casework Group (CCG) in Abuja.
2 November 2020 Abuja, Nigeria
ASP18 Side event, The Hague, The Netherlands
The Wayamo Foundation hosted a side event at the 18th Assembly of States Parties to interrogate and debate the timing and duration of decision-making at the International Criminal Court:‘It’s about time – revisiting the timing and duration of decision-making at the International Criminal Court’
3 December 2019 The Hague, The Netherlands
Strengthening Justice and Accountability in Nigeria, Abeokuta, Nigeria
The International Nuremberg Principles Academy and the Wayamo Foundation organised an international criminal law course with a training-of-trainers (ToT) component to support and further equip selected institutions with the necessary skills and international criminal law knowledge to pass on to their network of relevant actors in Nigeria.
26-29 November 2019 Abeokuta, Nigeria
Signature of MoU, Berlin, Germany
Mahboub Maalim, IGAD Executive Secretary and Bettina Ambach, Wayamo Foundation Director, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Friday 20 September 2019 in Berlin.
20 September 2019 Berlin, Germany
Network meeting, Nairobi, Kenya
The Directors of Public Prosecutions (DPPs), Directors of Criminal Investigation (DCIs) and Deputy Attorneys–General of Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, South Sudan, Djibouti, Somalia and Ethiopia gathered for a network meeting organised by the Wayamo Foundation. This will mark the fifth time that this network has met.
30 July 2019 Nairobi,Kenya
High-Level retreat for investigators and prosecutors, Nairobi, Kenya
Heads of the anti-trafficking units of Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Djibouti, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Somalia have been invited to analyse the issue of trafficking from a regional perspective, propose improvements for judicial cooperation and reflect on an East African strategy that better addresses human trafficking and migrant smuggling cases.
29 July 2019 Nairobi,Kenya
Strengthening Justice and Accountability in Nigeria, Abuja, Nigeria
Capacity building for civil and military investigators and prosecutors to address the most serious and complex crimes under Nigerian criminal law.
24-26 June 2019 Abuja, Nigeria
Joan Kagezi Memorial Lecture, Kampala, Uganda
The Office of The Director of Public Prosecutions in partnership with the Wayamo Foundation and with the support of the European Union in Uganda, organised the 4th Annual Joan Kagezi Memorial Lecture under the banner of “Courts not Guns – Combating terrorism through the Law”.
17 April 2019 Kampala, Uganda
Meeting with the President, Accra, Ghana
The Africa Group for Justice and Accountability and the Wayamo Foundation had a very fruitful meeting with the President of Ghana on 20 March 2019, during which the Africa Group and Wayamo’s mission and activities were discussed.
20 March 2019 Accra, Ghana
International Symposium, Accra, Ghana
The Wayamo Foundation, the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability (AGJA), in collaboration with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’s Rule of Law Programme for Sub-Saharan Africa and with the support of the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre and the School of Law of the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) held a symposium on 21 and 22 March 2019, under the banner of “West African International Justice – Leadership, Challenges, and Opportunities”
21-22 March 2019 Accra, Ghana
ASP Side Event, The Hague, Netherlands
The Wayamo Foundation and the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability (AGJA) hosted a side event, showcasing their ongoing capacity building workshops in Nigeria, implemented in conjunction with the International Nuremberg Principles Academy, under the title: “Strengthening Justice and Accountability in Nigeria.”
10 December 2018 The Hague, Netherlands
International justice symposium, Arusha, Tanzania
What can be done to overcome myopic interests and insular approaches in order to further accountability for international and transnational organised crime? To address this question, the Wayamo Foundation and the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability (AGJA) organised a one-day symposium entitled “Beyond Narrow Interests – Justice and Accountability in East Africa”.
27 November 2018 Arusha, Tanzania
Capacity building workshop, Lagos, Nigeria
The Wayamo Foundation, the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability (AGJA) and the International Nuremberg Principles Academy have previously held five workshops on “Strengthening Justice and Accountability in Nigeria” in December 2016, and March, June and November 2017 and in May 2018. This November 2018 workshop marks the sixth in the series and has been purpose-designed to impart joint training for investigators and prosecutors, both military and civil.
1-3 November 2018 Lagos, Nigeria
International Justice Symposium, Cape Town, South Africa
With the introduction of the International Crimes Bill before the South African Parliament, South Africa’s commitment to international criminal justice and the International Criminal Court is under discussion. In order to take advantage of this critical moment, the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability (AGJA) and the Wayamo Foundation held a one-day public symposium at the Belmond Mount Nelson Hotel on 29 August 2018, under the banner of “South Africa and international justice – Charting the way forward”.
29 August 2018 Cape Town, South Africa
Strengthening Justice and Accountability in Nigeria, Abuja, Nigeria
The recently concluded 3-day workshop held by the Wayamo Foundation and the International Nuremberg Principles Academy in Abuja from 21 to 23 May, is the fifth in the current series of training sessions on “Strengthening Justice and Accountability in Nigeria”, and was purpose-designed to impart joint training for 32 senior military and civil investigators and prosecutors.
21-23 May 2018 Abuja, Nigeria
“International criminal justice: element of the peace order”, Berlin, Germany
On 15 May 2018, the German Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtige Amt) organised a panel discussion on: “International criminal justice: element of the peace order”. The experts discussed the possibilities of international criminal justice as a tool to the fight against impunity, as well as the challenges it faces on a daily basis. In addition, the possibilities of other forms of the processing and punishment of international criminal offenses were discussed.
15 May 2018 Berlin, Germany
3rd Annual Joan Kagezi Memorial Lecture, Kampala, Uganda On 13 April 2018, the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions in partnership with the Wayamo Foundation organised the 3rd Annual Joan Kagezi Memorial Lecture under the theme “Combating international and transnational organised crime: Lessons learnt and best practices”.
13 April 2018 Kampala, Uganda
International Justice Symposium, Nairobi, Kenya
Bringing together key stakeholders, renowned experts and leading practitioners, the Wayamo Foundation and the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability (AGJA) convened a public symposium entitled “Networks of Accountability: Justice for International and Transnational Organised Crimes.”
27 February 2018 Nairobi, Kenya
Immunities ASP Side Event, New York, US
New York, US, played host to the “Immunities under international law” ASP side event on 8 December 2017. On 21 September 2017, the African Union‘s Open-Ended Committee of African Ministers on the ICC met in New York. At this meeting, the ministers considered a concept note from the AU Commission on Head of State immunity and the ICC. As a result, space has opened for a respectful and constructive debate on the immunity question – a unique opportunity to make progress on this intricate issue.
8 December 2017 New York, US
AGJA ASP Side Event, New York, US
To promote a holistic and comprehensive approach to international criminal justice, the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability (AGJA) hosted a side event: “Weaving the Strands – Domestic, Regional, Hybrid, and ICC Justice” on Thursday, 7 December 2017, where all the existing accountability initiatives and justice forums were explored.
7 December 2017 New York, US
International Justice Symposium, Kigali, Rwanda
Over a three-day period from 20 to 22 November 2017, Kigali, Rwanda, played host to the latest in the Wayamo Foundation’s series of East African international justice conferences aimed at exploring the current state of international criminal justice, its links with transnational organised crime, and national and regional efforts to deal with these crimes.
21 November 2017 Kigali, Rwanda
Capacity building workshop, Abuja, Nigeria
The Wayamo Foundation, Africa Group for Justice and Accountability (AGJA) and International Nuremberg Principles Academy have held three capacity-building workshops on “Strengthening Justice and Accountability in Nigeria” in December 2016, March 2017, and June 2017. This November training is the fourth instalment and combines training for military and civil investigators and prosecutors.
2 November 2017 Abuja, Nigeria
AGJA´s mission to The Gambia
From 31 October to 3 November 2017, the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability (AGJA) and the Wayamo Foundation sent a fact-finding delegation to The Gambia. The delegation arrived in The Gambia in response to an invitation by Justice Minister Abubacarr Tambadou.
31 October – 3 November 2017 Banjul, The Gambia
International Symposium, Arusha Tanzania Bringing together key stakeholders, renowned experts and leading practitioners, the Wayamo Foundation, Africa Group for Justice and Accountability and American Bar Association convened a public symposium in Arusha, Tanzania on 7 August, entitled “Judicial Independence – a Foundation for Combatting International and Transnational Crimes”. The Symposium topics included: judicial independence and ethics in the fight against international and transnational organised crime, the relationship between domestic, regional and international courts in combatting serious crimes, and analyse the role of the judiciary in addressing human trafficking and cyber crime.
7 August 2017 Arusha, Tanzania
International Symposium, Dakar Senegal
The symposium covered the current state of affairs in the relationship between African states and the International Criminal Court, possible reforms to improve the ICC, the re-emergence of hybrid mechanisms to prosecute international crimes, regional efforts to combat impunity, the coming into force of the crime of aggression, the relationship between conflict resolution and justice, and other pressing topics.
7-8 July 2017 Dakar, Senegal
Capacity building for Nigerian military prosecutors III
The Wayamo Foundation, Africa Group for Justice and Accountability (AGJA) and International Nuremberg Principles Academy held capacity-building workshops on “Strengthening Justice and Accountability in Nigeria” in December 2016 and March 2017.This June workshop was the first training session for military investigators and prosecutors.
28-30 June 2017 Lagos, Nigeria
International Symposium, Arusha, Tanzania
Arusha played host to an international symposium at the Mount Meru Hotel. The symposium aimed at exploring the current state of international criminal justice, its links with transnational organised crime, and national and regional efforts to deal with these crimes across East Africa.
6 June 2017 Arusha, Tanzania
South African – German Justice Dialogue
The relationship between the International Criminal Court and Africa: the aim of the sessions was to bring together a small circle of experts who engaged in an open and frank discussion held under Chatham House Rules.
27-28 March 2017 Pretoria, South Africa
Capacity building for Nigerian prosecutors II The Wayamo Foundation, Africa Group for Justice and Accountability (AGJA) and International Nuremberg Principles Academy held the second capacity-building workshops on “Strengthening Justice and Accountability in Nigeria”.
13-25 March 2017 Lagos, Nigeria
Capacity building for Nigerian prosecutors I
Under the auspices of the Federal Ministry of Justice/Federal Government of Nigeria, the Wayamo Foundation, the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability and the International Nuremberg Principles Academy, in collaboration with the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Justice, held the first capacity building workshop for prosecutors to address the most serious and complex crimes under Nigerian criminal law.
7-9 December 2016 Abuja, Nigeria
“Through the looking glass — Imagining the future of International Criminal Justice”
ICC Assembly of States Parties side event organised by the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability and the Wayamo Foundation
21 November 2016 The Hague, Netherlands
“Strengthening the Central African Republic’s Justice System and Operationalising the Special Criminal Court”
Side Event organised by the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability and the Wayamo Foundation
16 November 2016 Brussels, Belgium
“Towards a System of International Justice”
Symposium organised by the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability and the Wayamo Foundation
18-19 October 2016 Arusha, Tanzania
“Special Criminal Court for the Central African Republic — Context, Challenges and Perspectives”
Symposium organised by the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability and the Wayamo Foundation
22 September 2016 Bangui, Central African Republic
“Cape Town: African Justice mechanisms and their interplay with the International Criminal Court”
Symposium organised by the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability and the Wayamo Foundation at the University of Cape Town
22-24 March 2016 University of Cape Town, South Africa
“Establishing Domestic Units for International and Transnational Crimes”
High-level meeting of directorates of criminal investigations and public prosecutions and heads of international crime units
18-19 March 2016 Cape Town, South Africa
“The Hague: Launch of the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability”
The Wayamo Foundation has launched the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability on the sidelines of the International Criminal Court Assembly of States Parties at an event entitled “Africa and the ICC – Looking Back, Moving Forward” co-hosted by the governments of Botswana, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom
23 November 2015 Worldhotel Belair, The Hague, Netherlands
“Africa and the ICC – Looking Back, Moving Forward”
The Wayamo Foundation has launched the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability on the sidelines of the International Criminal Court Assembly of States Parties at an event entitled “Africa and the ICC – Looking Back, Moving Forward” co-hosted by the governments of Botswana, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom
23 November 2015 Worldhotel Belair, The Hague, Netherlands
“Nairobi symposium on ending impunity together”
On 28-29 April 2015, the Wayamo Foundation and Riara University hosted a two-day symposium featuring Kenyan and international prosecutors, war crimes and crimes against humanity investigators, judges, legal experts, and representatives of civil society.
28-29 April 2015 Nairobi, Kenya
“Nairobi workshop on best practices in investigation and prosecution of international crimes”
On 27 April 2015, the Wayamo Foundation facilitated discussions in Nairobi on the Compendium of Best Practices in Investigation and Prosecution of International Crimes and its local application. Workshop participants included international prosecutors, investigators and witness protection experts.
27 April 2015 Nairobi, Kenya
“Nairobi: Second Crimes Against Humanity Workshop” On 19–20 February 2015, the Wayamo Foundation hosted the second two-day interagency training workshop on Crimes Against Humanity for Kenya’s Criminal Investigations Division and the Office of the Department of Public Prosecutions.
19-20 February 2015 Nairobi, Kenya
“Investigating and building complex cyber crime cases”
On 16-17 February 2015, the Wayamo Foundation hosted a two-day interagency training workshop for Kenya’s Criminal Investigations Division and the office of the Department of Public Prosecutions on investigating and building complex cyber crime cases, working up the chain of command, chain of custody, and collaboration with neighbouring countries and international law enforcement bodies.
16-17 February 2015 Fairview Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya
“Nuremberg: Genocide and Atrocity Crimes Conference”
Conference on “Preventing Genocide and Other Atrocity Crimes: Challenges in Today’s World” 4-5 December 2014
Court Room 600, Memorium Nuremberg Trials
Nuremberg, Germany
“Nuremberg: Genocide and Atrocity Crimes Journalism Training”
Workshop on Reporting on Genocide and Mass Violence
3-6 December 2014 Nuremberg, Germany
“Mombasa forum on accountability and justice”
Following the announcement by the Chief Justice of the Republic of Kenya of his intention to establish an International and Organised Crimes Division of the Kenyan High Court, there has been varied discussion as to what form this division will take, and questions have arisen as to its jurisdiction, independence and nature. The Wayamo Foundation organised a forum with community leaders from Mombasa to discuss the IOCD and how to improve access to justice in the community.
25 November 2014 Mombasa, Kenya
“Nairobi public debate on international and organised crimes divisions in Africa and the Balkans”
On 24 November 2014, the Wayamo Foundation hosted a panel discussion on the struggle for justice and security in Kenya at Strathmore University in Nairobi.
24 November 2014 Nairobi, Kenya
“Nairobi: Crimes Against Humanity Workshop” Workshop For The Investigation And Prosecution Of Crimes Against Humanity Under The International Crimes Act
20-22 November 2014 Fairview Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya
“Pretoria colloquium on international and transnational crimes”
On 8-10 October 2014, the Wayamo Foundation hosted a meeting of international and national experts on International and Transnational Crimes at the Institute for Security Studies.
8-10 October 2014 Pretoria, South Africa
“Kisumu forum on accountability and justice”
Following the announcement by the Chief Justice of the Republic of Kenya of his intention to establish an International and Organised Crimes Division of the Kenyan High Court, the Wayamo Foundation organised a forum with community leaders from Kisumu to discuss the IOCD and how to improve access to justice in the community.
7 October 2014 Nairobi, Kenya
“Naivasha workshop on strengthening investigation and prosecution against wildlife trafficking”
On 4 October, the Wayamo Foundation hosted an interagency workshop for the Kenyan agencies involved in the fight against wildlife crimes. The workshop, which featured invited guests from Interpol and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, focused on working up the chain of command, chain of custody and collaboration with neighbouring countries.
4 October 2014 Naivasha, Kenya
“Mathare forum on accountability and justice”
Following the announcement by the Chief Justice of the Republic of Kenya of his intention to establish an International and Organised Crimes Division of the Kenyan High Court, the Wayamo Foundation and the Ghetto Foundation organised a forum with community leaders from Mathare to discuss the IOCD and how to improve access to justice in the community.
26 August 2014 Nairobi, Kenya
“Nairobi student debate at Catholic University for Eastern Africa”
Following the announcement by the Chief Justice of the Republic of Kenya of the intention to establish an International and Organised Crimes Division (IOCD) in the High Court of Kenya, the Law Faculties of the Catholic University for Eastern Africa and the African Nazarene University held an academic debate organised by the two law faculties together with the Wayamo Foundation.
25 August 2014 Nairobi, Kenya
“Nairobi workshop on establishing investigative units for serious crimes”
On 22-23 August, the Wayamo Foundation hosted a workshop in Nairobi for investigators from the Kenya Police Criminal Investigation Department and prosecutors from the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions. The workshop featured special guest Frank Dutton, a retired South African policeman and investigator and first director of the Directorate of Special Operations along with Howard Varney, a senior program adviser with the International Center for Transitional Justice.
22-23 August 2014 Nairobi, Kenya
“Nakuru forum on strengthening complementarity”
Following the announcement by the Chief Justice of the Republic of Kenya of his intention to establish an International and Organised Crimes Division of the Kenyan High Court, the Wayamo Foundation organised a forum with community leaders from Nakuru to discuss the IOCD, what form it would take, and questions that arise as to its jurisdiction, independence and nature. Nakuru is the largest city in Kenya’s Rift Valley and was one of the areas affected by Kenya’s 2007-08 post-election violence.
22 August 2014 Nakuru, Kenya
“Nairobi debate on complementarity, international crimes and domestic justice”
Following the announcement by Chief Justice Willy Mutunga of the intention to establish an International Crimes Division in the High Court of Kenya, the Wayamo Foundation in cooperation with the School of Law of the University of Nairobi organised a panel debate with speakers from the law faculty, the judiciary, the civil society and the International Criminal Court. The panel discussion featured a range of opinions on complementarity and the establishment of the ICD, and the audience asked questions and made comments throughout the moderated debate.
5 May 2014 Nairobi, Kenya
“Nuremberg: Workshop on Registrars in International Justice”
Registrars in International Justice – Lessons from the International and National Levels
23-24 April 2014 Documentation Centre Nazi Party Rally Grounds Nuremberg, Germany
“Kibera Forum on Accountability and Justice”
Following the announcement by the Chief Justice of the Republic of Kenya of his intention to establish an International Crimes Division of the Kenyan High Court, the Wayamo Foundation and Pamoja FM organised a forum with community leaders from Kibera to discuss the ICD and how to improve access to justice in the community.
20 February 2014 Nairobi, Kenya
“Korogocho Forum on Accountability and Justice”
Following the announcement by the Chief Justice of the Republic of Kenya of his intention to establish an International Crimes Division of the Kenyan High Court, the Wayamo Foundation and Koch FM organised a forum with community leaders from Korogocho to discuss the idea of how to improve the access to justice and how to tackle those transnational crimes which affect the community.
18 February 2014 Nairobi, Kenya
“Mombasa debate on strengthening complementarity and the IOCD”
Following the announcement by Chief Justice Willy Mutunga of the intention to establish an International and Organised Crimes Division in the High Court of Kenya, the Wayamo Foundation in cooperation with the School of Law of the University of Nairobi in Mombasa organised a panel debate with speakers from the law faculty, the public prosecution office, and civil society. The panel discussion featured a range of opinions on complementarity and the establishment of the IOCD, and the audience asked questions and made comments throughout the moderated debate.
17 February 2014 Mombasa, Kenya
“Complementarity in practice – Examples from Kenya”
On 23 November 2013, the Wayamo Foundation Director Bettina Ambach moderated a joint Germany/Kenya side event at the twelfth session of the Assembly of States Parties of the International Criminal Court held between 20–28 November 2013 at the World Forum Convention Center in The Hague, The Netherlands.
23 November 2013 The Hague, Netherlands