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Universal jurisdiction for crimes committed in Sudan — Covering Sweden’s Lundin trial

Wayamo Foundation Africa Director Joseph Roberts-Mensah interviews Thierry Cruvellier, Editor-in-chief of discussing the concept of universal jurisdiction, and how journalists can cover justice processes such as Sweden’s Lundin trial. The two veteran journalists discuss the role of journalists and civil society play in driving justice processes, and the challenge of telling stories about justice for Sudan. 00:28 The difficulties …

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Justice Talks: Tora Holst

Tora Holst, former Prosecutor at the Swedish Specialized International Crimes Unit, speaks to Wayamo Foundation’s Angela Mudukuti about the lessons learned from the European Genocide Network. Holst discusses the role of universal jurisdiction in prosecuting international crimes, cooperation across borders, and successfully interviewing witnesses and victims in different states. She discusses European examples of ongoing investigations of crimes in Syria …