6-11 July 2017 Interview with Toussaint Muntazini, Special Prosecutor of the Special Criminal Court in Bangui, Central African Republic, by Wayamo Foundation East Africa Co-ordinator Judie Kaberia: Dakar, Senegal, 8 July 2017. ENGLISH TRANSLATION BELOW. -Judie Kaberia- What lessons are being learned from similar courts, and have we recorded any progress? -Toussaint Muntazini- Indeed, there are a lot of lessons …
Christine Alai (Kenya 🇰🇪 ) – Voices for International Justice
International Justice Day 2020 Christine Alai Human Rights Lawyer and Transitional Justice Expert — The Wayamo Foundation and the Rule of Law Program for anglophone Sub-Saharan Africa of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung are proud to present Voices for International Justice, a video gallery featuring a global justice luminaries from around the world, reflecting on the greatest achievements, opportunities, and challenges …
Conférence de Dakar: conversation avec Fatou Bensouda et Serge Brammertz
La Fondation Wayamo et le Programme pour la promotion de l’État de droit en Afrique subsaharienne de la Fondation Konrad Adenauer (KAS) ont organisé une conférence internationale intitulée : « Justice pour les crimes internationaux : enjeux et stratégies en Afrique de l’Ouest et ailleurs » le 25 et 26 octobre 2021 à Dakar. Les débats et discussions ont commencé …
Flavien Mbata, Ministre de la Justice de la République Centrafricaine
16 Novembre 2016 Table ronde sur la République Centrafricaine: Soutenir le système judiciaire centrafricain et opérationnaliser la Cour Pénale Spéciale La locution inaugurale de Flavien Mbata, Ministre de la Justice et Garde des Sceaux de la République Centrafricaine. 16 Novembre 2016 Hotel Silken Berlaymont, Bruxelles Organisé par la Fondation Wayamo, le Groupe Africain pour la Justice et la Fin de …
Filling the Gaps — International Criminal Justice Beyond the ICC
11 July 2017 Dakar, Senegal, 11 July 2017: Bettina Ambach (Director, Wayamo Foundation) talks to Toussaint Muntazini and Jacob Damili Sanny (Special Prosecutor and Indictment Chamber Judge respectively of the Special Criminal Court in Bangui, Central African Republic). ENGLISH BELOW. *** -Toussaint Muntazini- The Special Criminal Court (SCC) is the youngest court on the international criminal justice scene. It is …
Changing the Narrative: A human rights perspective on international justice
6-11 July 2017 Human rights expert, Fatiha Serour, reflects on the Africa Group on Justice and Accountability’s(AGJA) two-day symposium in Dakar, Senegal, AGJA’s strategic and the Central African Republic meetings and turning human rights rhetoric into practice.
Africa Group Justice Talks Brenda Hollis
18-19 October 2016 Brenda Hollis, Prosecutor of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, leads the discussion on finding justice, the revival of hybrid tribunals and the limitations of the International Criminal Court. Hollis, the Prosecutor of the Special Court for Sierra Leone since February 2010, was responsible for leading the legal team prosecuting former Liberian President Charles Taylor. Hollis was …