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Former Senior Trial Lawyer at ICC discusses Ongwen case and length of legal proceedings at the Court

Andras Toth

In this interview Ben Gumpert, QC, Crown Court Judge and former Senior Trial Lawyer at the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), shares valuable insights into the field of international criminal law. He discusses his journey into this area of legal practice, and some of the moments that stand out for him as significant successes. In …

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The present and future role of open-source investigations in international criminal proceedings

In this interview, Digital Investigations and Accountability Expert and former Lead Investigator at Bellingcat Hannah Bagdasar explains the role of open-source investigations in international criminal proceedings and the challenges and opportunities unique to using open source materials in a legal context. Time stamps: 00:08 The role open source information can play in international criminal proceedings 00:46 The importance of modern …

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From Awareness to Action: Justice and Accountability for Conflict-related Sexual Violence

Adejoké Babington-Ashaye is a versatile international law expert with expertise on a broad range of strategic, legal, and policy issues in international law and justice, accountability in the context of terrorism, and international criminal investigations. She is an expert trainer who provides technical and capacity building training to national criminal justice stakeholders on the investigation and prosecution of conflict-related sexual …

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The legal dimensions of Open Source investigations

08/09/2023 Libby McAvoy, the Legal Advisor at Mnemonic, discusses the legal dimensions of Open Source investigations, Mnemonic’s verification processes, and how they ensure the integrity of the millions of pieces of information stored in their databases. في هذا اللقاء، تتحدث ليبي مكافوي، المستشارة القانونية في ميمونيك، عن الأبعاد القانونية للتحقيقات في المصادر المفتوحة، وعن عمليات التحقق في ميمونيك، وكيفية ضمان …

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Role of modern forms of evidence in international criminal trials

Dr. Philipp Ambach is Chief of the Victims Participation and Reparations Section in the Registry of the International Criminal Court (ICC). In this video, he speaks about the role of modern forms of evidence in international criminal trials and the opportunities that these forms of evidence offer, in the investigation and prosecution of international crimes. He emphasises how the use …

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Accountability for international crimes: prosecuting international crimes under Sudanese Law

07/03/2023 ⚙️ English subtitles in captions. المساءلة عن الجرائم الدولية: محاكمة الجرائم الدولية في القوانين السودانية في هذه المقابلة المصورة المسجلة في مارس 2023 (قبل اندلاع النزاع المسلح في السودان في 15 أبريل 2023)، يتحدث طارق كانديك، المحامي السوداني المستقل وعضو هيئة محامي الطوارئ، عن المساءلة عن الجرائم الدولية في المحاكم السودانية. ويشاركنا تجربته كمحامي يمثل أسرة الضحية التي قُتلت …

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Silvia Fernández de Gurmendi (Argentina 🇦🇷 ) – Voices for International Justice

International Justice Day 2020 Silvia Fernández de Gurmendi Judge and former President of the International Criminal Court — The Wayamo Foundation and the Rule of Law Program for anglophone Sub-Saharan Africa of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung are proud to present Voices for International Justice, a video gallery featuring a global justice luminaries from around the world, reflecting on the greatest …

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Panel I — Africa and the ICC: Misperceptions and realities

22-24 March 2016 The ICC-Africa relationship is often regarded with mixed, if not opposing, views. Against this background, what factors, both historical and political, as well as contemporary issues must be considered when assessing the ICC-Africa relationship? This discussion will address the often heard accusations that the ICC is a neo-colonial, anti-African institution and the argument that the AU is …