Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone added to Wayamo’s “Justice in West Africa” web portal

Elise Carreau News and Events

The Wayamo Foundation and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation’s Rule of Law Programme for Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa are proud to announce the launch of three additional country pages on the “Justice in West Africa” website, a bilingual online resource platform of accountability efforts for international crimes. 









The website provides an interactive database in both English and French covering: the domestic prosecution of international crimes across a host of West African countries; regional and hybrid justice mechanisms; the work of the International Criminal Court in the region; and expert analysis in the form of video interviews. The additional three country pages of Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria were added to the website, alongside the already online pages of Côte d’Ivoire, The Gambia, Guinea, Mali and Senegal

Although efforts to prosecute international crimes domestically have progressed in recent years in West Africa, access to information about and high-quality analyses of the challenges confronting such efforts and the progress made, remains piecemeal. The Wayamo Foundation and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation aim to address that gap with this online platform. The website offers an engaging, accessible and broad compilation of core texts (including relevant legislation and treaties), as well as interactive print and multimedia sources (infographics, timelines and expert interviews) covering influential cases, core topics and debates pertaining to accountability for international crimes in the region. 

The Wayamo Foundation and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation created this resource in the hope of supporting actors currently engaged in accountability efforts in West Africa, while at the same time providing a learning tool for those interested in better understanding these processes. 

With these aims in mind, the website will not only provide civil society actors, journalists and academics with accessible tools for doing in-depth research and mobilising accountability in the region, but it will also provide state, regional and international actors with a repository of easily accessible resources to support their work in the judicial sector. 

Explore the print and multimedia resources covering influential country cases, core topics and debates pertaining to accountability for international crimes in West Africa at: