Justice Talks: Rahel Gershuni, UNODC Consultant

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Rahel Gershuni, UNODC Consultant and former National Anti-Trafficking Coordinator from Israel talks about the challenges investigators and prosecutors face in dealing with human trafficking cases, including: community stigmatisation; cultural norms and practices; clear legal definitions; and identification of the crime and victims.

Justice Talks: Fred Yiga, Assistant Inspector General of the Ugandan Police Force

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Fred Yiga, Assistant Inspector General of the Ugandan Police Force, and Director of Interpol (Uganda), addresses the challenge of effective collaboration across East African countries, stressing the importance of the harmonisation of prosecutions, laws, and punitive measures for transnational organised crimes.

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Wayamo Foundation Documentary – The Crime of Aggression: From Nuremberg to Manhattan

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From Nuremberg in 1945 through Tokyo, Rome, The Hague and Kampala, this film tracks the legal and moral debate more than seven decades in the making.

Justice Talks: Betty Kaari Murungi, Senior Adviser on Transitional Justice to the JMEC and AGJA member

Elise Carreau agja video, Video

Lawyer Betty Kaari Murungi, Senior Adviser on Transitional Justice to the Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Commission (JMEC), the body tasked with oversight for the implementation of the South Sudan peace process, and a member of the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability; discusses continental, regional and domestic responses to international crimes (genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity) and crimes against vulnerable groups (women and children).

Justice Talks: Christine Alai, Kenyan Lawyer and Head of Office, Physicians for Human Rights

Elise Carreau agja video, Video

Justice Talks: Christine Alai, a Kenyan Lawyer and Head of Office, Physicians for Human Rights (Kenya) is responsible for the advancement of the Program on Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones in Kenya, and coordinates and leads forensic trainings to influence collaboration among medical, legal, and law enforcement personnel with the goal of enhancing prosecutions and accountability for sexual violence in Kenya.

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Rome Statute 20th anniversary commemorations: Navi Pillay speaks on behalf of AGJA and Wayamo

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Navi Pillay, former Judge at the ICC and ICTR and a former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, spoke on behalf of the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability and its partner organization, the Wayamo Foundation, at the Coalition for the International Criminal Court’s Rome Statute 20th anniversary commemorations.