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Capacity building for prosecutors to address the most serious and complex crimes under Nigerian criminal law

Nigeria Lagos, Nigeria

Wednesday 15 March 2017 saw the close of the Wayamo Foundation’s second capacity-building workshop aimed at helping Nigerian prosecutors address the most serious and complex crimes under Nigerian criminal law. This forms part of a larger, ongoing programme to strengthen justice and accountability in Nigeria, which is being implemented by Wayamo, the International Nuremberg Principles Academy and the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability in collaboration with the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Justice.

Capacity building for military prosecutors to address the most serious and complex crimes under Nigerian criminal law, Lagos, Nigeria

Nigeria Lagos, Nigeria

Lagos played host to Capacity-building for military prosecutors to address the most serious and complex crimes under Nigerian criminal law. From 28-30 June, Wayamo organised a capacity-building workshop for military investigators and prosecutors on ‘STRENGTHENING JUSTICE AND ACCOUNTABILITY IN NIGERIA’ at the Southern Sun Hotel Ikoyi in Lagos.

wayamo foundation


Wayamo is an independent, non-profit organisation established to strengthen the rule of law, promote justice for international and transnational crimes and foster transparency through judicial capacity building, mediation and informed journalism. Read more

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