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Justice Talks: Matevz Pezdirc

Angela Mudukuti, an International criminal Justice lawyer with the Wayamo Foundation interviews Matevz Pezdirc, Coordinator, European Network for the investigation and prosecution of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, Eurojust, The Hague on; effective methods for improving international networks of prosecutorial and investigative practice, the successes and challenges of the European Network, the benefits and best practices for sharing …

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Justice Talks: Mahboub Maalim

Mahboub Maalim, Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), talks to Wayamo’s Co-ordinator for East Africa, Judie Kaberia about the importance of institutional cooperation and information sharing in the East African region. According to Maalim, the newly established Network of Directors of Public Prosecutions (DPPs) and Directors of Criminal Investigations (DCIs) is a crucial step towards enhanced information …

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Justice Talks: Jean-Bosco Mutangana

On 21 November 2017, the Wayamo Foundation hosted an International Symposium on the theme, “International Crimes, Domestic Justice – Accountability and Capacity Building in East Africa” in Kigali, Rwanda, where Jean-Bosco Mutangana was a participant. — Justice Talks are a series of interviews about justice and accountability in Africa and beyond, featuring experts and leaders from the fields of human …

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International Justice in Motion – Perspectives from the ICC and Beyond

Fatou Bensouda, former Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), discusses the importance of judicial independence and the rule of law in highly politicised trials. She talks about the challenges she faced as ICC Prosecutor and how she coped with the pressure. She also discusses the impact of the ICC’s jurisprudence on international criminal justice in Africa, the importance of …

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International Justice in Motion – Perspectives from South Africa and Beyond

Howard Varney, Senior Programme Adviser at the International Centre for Transitional Justice, discusses how apartheid crimes can be prosecuted in local courts in South Africa, and whether apartheid can be tried as a crime against humanity. In addition, he talks about judicial independence, the rule of law, and the future of the adjudication of international criminal cases on the African …

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International Criminal Justice Beyond the ICC: the Extraordinary African Chambers

11 July 2017 Interview with Mbacké Fall, Former Prosecutor of the Extraordinary African Chambers in Senegal, by Angela Mudukuti, International Criminal Justice Lawyer, Wayamo Foundation. ENGLISH TRANSLATION BELOW. What were the lessons learnt from the Extraordinary African Chambers, and what where the successes? We have had positive results. The African Chambers had a mandate to try those most responsible for …

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Flavien Mbata, Ministre de la Justice de la République Centrafricaine

16 Novembre 2016 Table ronde sur la République Centrafricaine: Soutenir le système judiciaire centrafricain et opérationnaliser la Cour Pénale Spéciale La locution inaugurale de Flavien Mbata, Ministre de la Justice et Garde des Sceaux de la République Centrafricaine. 16 Novembre 2016 Hotel Silken Berlaymont, Bruxelles Organisé par la Fondation Wayamo, le Groupe Africain pour la Justice et la Fin de …

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Filling the Gaps — International Criminal Justice Beyond the ICC

11 July 2017 Dakar, Senegal, 11 July 2017: Bettina Ambach (Director, Wayamo Foundation) talks to Toussaint Muntazini and Jacob Damili Sanny (Special Prosecutor and Indictment Chamber Judge respectively of the Special Criminal Court in Bangui, Central African Republic). ENGLISH BELOW. *** -Toussaint Muntazini- The Special Criminal Court (SCC) is the youngest court on the international criminal justice scene. It is …

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Enjeux de la justice internationale en Afrique: la défense devant les tribunaux internationaux

Anta Guissé, Avocate internationale de la défense au Cabinet GUISSE, revient sur le rôle de la défense devant les tribunaux internationaux et des difficultés auxquelles elle fait face. Dans ces dossiers médiatisés, la présomption d’innocence se transforme trop souvent en présomption de culpabilité. Anta rappelle que les juges de ces tribunaux sont là pour juger l’affaire en fait et en …