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Pursuing Justice Globally: The Netherlands’ Experience in Universal Jurisdiction Cases

Wieger Veldhuis is a senior public prosecutor for international crimes at the Public Prosecution Service of the Netherlands. In this video, Mr. Veldhuis speaks about the Netherlands’ pursuit of universal jurisdiction cases arising from Syria and Iraq, shedding light on the circumstances that gave rise to these cases, as well as their scope. Additionally, Mr. Veldhuis examines the varied types …

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The legal dimensions of Open Source investigations

08/09/2023 Libby McAvoy, the Legal Advisor at Mnemonic, discusses the legal dimensions of Open Source investigations, Mnemonic’s verification processes, and how they ensure the integrity of the millions of pieces of information stored in their databases. في هذا اللقاء، تتحدث ليبي مكافوي، المستشارة القانونية في ميمونيك، عن الأبعاد القانونية للتحقيقات في المصادر المفتوحة، وعن عمليات التحقق في ميمونيك، وكيفية ضمان …

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The role of civil society actors in ensuring ethical documentation of human rights violations

Akingbolahan Adeniran is an international accountability practitioner and independent consultant, working as an independent investigator and a rule of law consultant. In this video, Mr. Adeniran speaks about the potential role civilians, including lawyers, human rights defenders, and journalists, can play in documentation efforts during ongoing conflicts. He emphasises that such efforts can contribute to justice and accountability in the …

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In the pursuit of justice: tracking international crime fugitives

Akingbolahan Adeniran is an international accountability practitioner and independent consultant often times working as an independent investigator and a rule of law consultant. In this video he explores the process of tracking alleged perpetrators of international crimes and outlines some of the methods investigators employ to lead them to the fugitives. He delves into the crucial aspect of how states …

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Role of modern forms of evidence in international criminal trials

Dr. Philipp Ambach is Chief of the Victims Participation and Reparations Section in the Registry of the International Criminal Court (ICC). In this video, he speaks about the role of modern forms of evidence in international criminal trials and the opportunities that these forms of evidence offer, in the investigation and prosecution of international crimes. He emphasises how the use …

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The power of visual evidence, and using video in investigations, advocacy and journalism

In this interview, Nkem Agunwa, Program Manager, Africa, Witness discusses the power of visual evidence, and explains how video and technology can help in the pursuit for justice and accountability. 01:07 How different people use video and visuals to protect and defend human rights. 03:00 How journalists, human rights defenders or witnesses can collect visual evidence 04:11 Witness’s Video as …

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Sudanese Archive: Preserving Sudan’s collective memory through open-source archiving

In this interview, Mahasin Dahab, Sudan Project Manager at Mnemonic, talks about the importance of preserving collective memory through open-source archiving and investigations. She talks about the Sudanese Archive and its work during the revolution in Sudan, and during the conflict which began in 2023. 00:30: The importance of archiving and collective memory 02:00: Conducting investigations and archiving now that …

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The manifestations of hate speech that existed in Sudan before the war

Mr. Abbas El-Tegani Mohammed Saleh is a researcher in the field of peace and media studies. He is one of the founders of the Salaam Media Center for Cultural Studies and Development and works as an independent consultant. In this interview, he speaks about the diverse manifestations of hate speech that existed in Sudan before the war, its escalation following …

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Monitoring and documenting human rights violations in times of conflict

Ameir Mohammad Suliman, is a Sudanese lawyer and human rights activist. He is a co-founder of the African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies, a Sudanese human rights organisation based in Kampala. He is currently the director of the legal program at the centre. Time Stamps: 00:29 Monitoring and documenting human rights violations in times of conflict 01:41 Effects of …

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The role of civil society actors in the current crisis in Sudan

Enass Muzamel is a Sudanese human rights defender, who dedicates her time to championing women’s and human rights through advocacy, documentation, and awareness raising activities. In this video, she speaks about her advocacy before bodies such as the UN Human Rights Council. She sheds light on the efforts of civil society actors who are actively involved in providing crucial humanitarian …