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African Perspectives on the ICC: Kamari Clarke I

Independent Expert Review of the ICC Which concerns raised by African communities and states were addressed by the Expert Review process? Do you believe states and communities will be satisfied or is there still more to be done? Watch all the interviews at The Wayamo Foundation and the Rule of Law Programme for Sub-Saharan Africa of the Konrad Adenauer …

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PANEL VI: The role of NGOs in international crime investigations

22-24 March 2016 Non-governmental organisations can play a crucial role in the investigation and prosecution of international crimes at both a domestic and an international level. NGOs have collected evidence of allegations of international crimes and worked to institute domestic and international proceedings concerning international crimes. This panel will discuss the different roles that NGOs can and should play in …

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PANEL VII: Immunity of Heads of State under International Law

22-24 March 2016 How can the African Union resolution exempting serving Heads of State from prosecution be reconciled with the duty to render justice for atrocity crimes? This panel explores the ongoing controversy over the scope of immunity under international law, and in particular whether Heads of State enjoy immunity from prosecution for international crimes. Moderator • Patryk I. Labuda …

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African Perspectives on the ICC: Kamari Clarke II

Election of the ICC Prosecutor and judges In your recent piece, you argue that in international criminal law, structural racism and white supremacy dictate which crimes count, what jurisdiction applies, who is rendered culpable, who chooses, who has the power, and who matters. Is it possible for the ICC to overcome this? If so, what concrete measures would you like …

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African Perspectives on the ICC: Owiso Owiso

Election of the ICC Prosecutor and judges What concerns from African states and communities do you believe can be addressed through the election of the next Prosecutor and/or judges? Watch all the interviews at The Wayamo Foundation and the Rule of Law Programme for Sub-Saharan Africa of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung are proud to present ‘’Precarity or Prosperity: African …

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African Perspectives on the ICC: Chidi Odinkalu I

African states, the AU and the ICC How can Nigeria, the AU and the ICC work together more effectively in order to satisfy their mutual interests? Would an African Court with international criminal jurisdiction be the solution? Watch all the interviews at The Wayamo Foundation and the Rule of Law Programme for Sub-Saharan Africa of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung …

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African Perspectives on the ICC: Chidi Odinkalu III

Election of the ICC Prosecutor and judges What qualities would you want to see in the next ICC Prosecutor? Watch all the interviews at The Wayamo Foundation and the Rule of Law Programme for Sub-Saharan Africa of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung are proud to present ‘’Precarity or Prosperity: African Perspectives on the Future of the International Criminal Court’’, a …

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African Perspectives on the ICC: Chidi Odinkalu II

Independent Expert Review of the ICC Which concerns raised by African communities and states were addressed by the Expert Review process? Do you believe states and communities will be satisfied or is there still more to be done? Watch all the interviews at The Wayamo Foundation and the Rule of Law Programme for Sub-Saharan Africa of the Konrad Adenauer …

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Justice Talks: Dire Tladi

Dire Tladi, Professor of Law at Pretoria University addresses one of the most pressing challenges facing international criminal justice: head of state immunity under international law. Tladi discusses the current state of affairs regarding head of state immunity, its importance to the future of the International Criminal Court, the possible request by the African Union, via the General Assembly, of …

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Justice Talks: 2019 Side Event – Assembly of States Parties (PART II)

On 3 December 2019, the Wayamo Foundation held its yearly side event at the Assembly of States Parties of the International Criminal Court. The event was graciously supported by the governments of Austria, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, and the United Kingdom. Entitled ‘It’s About Time – Revisiting the Timing and Duration of Decision-Making at the ICC’, the panel featured: …