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Documentary: African Justice Mechanisms and their interplay with the ICC

22-24 March 2016 What is next for the ICC-Africa relationship? Are there African domestic and regional solutions for grave crimes? Is there progress on human rights in Africa? How does transnational criminal law link to core international crimes? How to design reparations schemes for victims? What is the role of NGOs in international crime investigations? Can there be immunity for …

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Chief Justice bemoans absence of a universal court in Africa

Broadcasted by CitiTV Ghana on 21 March 2019: Ghana’s Chief Justice, Sophia Akuffo spoke at Wayamo and AGJA’s international Symposium in Accra. The Wayamo Foundation, the Africa Group for Justice and Accountability (AGJA) and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung’s Rule of Law Programme for Sub-Saharan Africa held a symposium in Accra, Ghana, on the wide-ranging topic of “West African International Justice …

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Justice pénale internationale en Afrique de l’Ouest


Roland Adjovi, Conseiller en droit international pour le Programme mondial de lutte contre la criminalité maritime en Afrique d’Ouest à l’UNODC, analyse les interactions entre les mécanismes judiciaires nationaux, régionaux et internationaux. Il revient également sur les différents instruments juridiques tels que le Protocole de Malabo, la Cour Africaine des Droits de l’Homme et des Peuples, la Cour pénale internationale et les tribunaux hybrides. Roland Adjovi, International Law Advisor for the Global Maritime Crime Programme in West Africa at UNODC, analyses the interplay between national, regional and international judicial mechanisms and their application in West Africa.